The Russian War Helicopter at the Gas Station
Savitaipale, February 18th, 2018.
This morning, we woke up around 9:30. It was super cozy because we had slept with the heating on. In reality, sleeping with the stove running wasn’t something I felt particularly confident about, but given the cold outside, I didn’t mind. We’re still alive.
We spent the morning having a relaxed breakfast, gathering our things, and getting the cottage ready to head back to Savitaipale. Although it’s been an experience worth remembering, I do wish we had the chance to come back in the summer because it must be completely different. Right now, everything is white and covered in snow, but when the weather is nice, it must be beautiful. Plus, you can swim in the lake, which is an incredible experience.
Although it’s been a quiet day, and there isn’t much to say, I didn’t want to miss the chance to share something that happened to us on the way back to Savitaipale.
To give you some context, in this region of Finland, you can feel the Russian influence. Not only because of how close we are to Russia but also because of the wars that have taken place between the two countries. An example is the Winter War between the Soviet Union and Finland in November 1939.
The Russian War Helicopter
On our way back from the cottage, we stopped at a gas station to refuel, and we saw something that caught our attention. Right next to the gas station, there was a large area with a Russian war helicopter on display. It was completely real. The thing is, they had left it out there in the open, and now it was set up as an exhibition.
The helicopter was super interesting because it was almost entirely original, and you could see what it was like both inside and out. For example, you could check out the pilot and copilot seats, the control panel, the passenger seats… They hadn’t repaired much, so everything was preserved just as it had been back in the day.
Here are a few photos:.