

If you are reading this it is very likely that we know each other. Or maybe we don’t, so let me first introduce myself 🙂

Who am I?

My name is Raquel and I was born 27 years ago in Chiclana, a beautiful city in Cádiz, in the south of Spain. When I finished my secondary studies I decided it was time for a change. So after considering many options I moved to Barcelona to study Advertising and Public Relations at Pompeu Fabra University. Later on, and after doing two internships in two different companies, I started working in Trovit, a search engine of classified ads, where I spent four years. During that period I took part of different teams such as marketing, alert emails, user research and quality assurance. If you would like to know more about my professional career, I invite you to visit my LinkedIn profile here.

I am passionate about traveling, knowing about new cultures and learning languages and I try to do so whenever I have a chance. Last year I achieved one of my dreams to travel and work abroad as a volunteer in different European countries like Finland, Estonia, Italy or Poland. Each of them gave me a bunch of new experiences and I would like to share them with you in my blog 🙂 They are written in Spanish and you can find it here.

Among my other hobbies you can find music and dance (especially contemporary, street dance and tribal fusion bellydance). I am also passionate about reading about every kind of stuff (like, literally, EVERYTHING). For example, science fiction, teology, sociology, personal development, history, biographies… It all depends on my mood in that moment.

Recently I started to practice yoga at home and I try to do a little bit every day. After doing several hiking routes I realized that I need to get fit -urgently- so this is a good beginning!

Why did I start this blog?

My passions in life have varied during my whole life. When I was a child, I wanted to become a painter (well, this might be a bit biased because I was said to be a great painter). I also loved animals so I wanted to be a vet. Teaching languages like my mother was a good option too. Finally, I ended up becoming a communication specialist.

Besides this, my hobbies have also changed during all these years. Some of them still continue while others remain in the past.

The fact that I liked doing many things but nothing in particular led me to start this blog. I love trying and learning new stuff (you never know what you can find) and share it with other people who might also be interested on it. In other words, I ike to turn thoughts and experiences into words.

At first, I used to write about different topics in English. However, last year I decided to do something different and dedicated to my biggest passion: traveling. I know there are thousands and millions of travel blogs with tips, hacks and lists of places to see and things to do in every single corner of the world. Don’t worry, I’m not pretending to reinvent the wheel. This new project is focused on my personal experiencies as a travel diary where I can share my everyday life living and working abroad -and, of course, sharing information that can be valuable for you-.

This project is in Spanish, my mother tongue. However, I also speak Catalan, English, Italian and French (I have forgotten a lot of this language but I promise it’s still somewhere in my memory!).

Why Pottergod?

This is a question I have been asked several times, and with reason. The truth is that Pottergod is a random nickname that a friend of mine gave me long time ago. You are right, I am a huge Harry Potter fan (but let’s be honest, he’s not God neither). It might have been more appropriate to choose a more representative name but hey, who knows, it might also change in the future. In the meanwhile, I’ll remain being just Pottergod 😛

I think that’s all by the moment. If you have arrived until here… Thank you! I hope you enjoy my publications the same way I enjoy writing them. If you have any doubts, comments or suggestions, do not hesitate in contacting me or leaving a message in the article. I will be happy to hear from you!

I would like to finish with a quote by Alexander Von Humboldt which I find very inspiring and matches with the purpose of this blog:

“The most dangerous worldviews are the worldviews of those who have never viewed the world.”

And now… let’s begin!