Snowshoeing Hiking Route and a Walk by Lake Immeljärvi

Levi, March 4th, 2018.

It’s been over a month since I arrived in Finland, and I dare say that today has been the best weather so far: sunny, cloudless, and not too cold. Could spring be just around the corner?

However, if there’s one thing I’ve learned about Lapland, it’s that the weather is highly unpredictable. You can’t trust the forecast. It might be sunny now, but in two hours, it could be snowing like crazy.

In any case, we took advantage of this beautiful sunny day to go on a snowshoeing hike in the Levi area. Not at the ski resort, but on a different mountain across Lake Immeljärvi, surrounded by pure forest. Technically, it’s not a mountain since Finland is a “flat” country, but you get the idea!

The Snowshoeing Hike

Going Up the Mountain

First things first, we picked up our snowshoes and poles and headed to Lake Immeljärvi, where the trail began. Before starting the climb, we geared up properly and made sure our snowshoes were securely fastened.

From there, we began our ascent. At first, I thought it would be tricky since the path wasn’t exactly flat, but with the snowshoes, it was surprisingly easy. Only in some sections where the snow was softer did I slip a little, but nothing serious. Although there was a somewhat marked trail, you could easily step off it and venture among the trees. Of course, since no one had walked there before, the snow was much deeper, and as soon as you stepped on it, you’d sink (sometimes almost up to your knees).

There was so much snow that it created an interesting visual effect on the landscape. Some trees looked like they had taken the shapes of people, animals, or objects—it was all a matter of imagination! Here’s an example: do you see anything in particular?

Formas en la nieve, durante la excursión en raquetas (snowshoeing)

As we climbed higher, the Levi ski slopes became more visible in the distance. Some trees were still completely covered in snow, while others were starting to show their green branches again, as you can see in the main image of this post.

Likewise, the closer we got to the summit, the snowflakes seemed even bigger.

Copos de nieve que vimos durante la excursión en raquetas (snowshoeing)

Once at the top, we stopped to take some pictures. Yet again, the scenery was too breathtaking to be fully captured by a camera. It’s something you have to see in person to truly appreciate the beauty all around you. It’s magical!

The Final Stretch of the Snowshoeing Hike

Near the end of the hike, I literally started feeling my toes freeze. I couldn’t feel them, even when I tried moving them. I think my mistake was skipping the first layer of socks (the cotton ones) since I only wore wool. On top of that, my footwear wasn’t ideal for snowshoeing. Snow boots are comfortable and worked fine, but maybe wearing proper hiking boots would have been a better choice.

On the way down, there were again some sections where the snow was too soft and slippery. There were a few tricky slopes where we even had to slide down on our butts. Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating a little, but in these conditions, you have to be careful not to get hurt.

All in all, the snowshoeing route took about two hours at a relaxed pace, with plenty of stops to take in the views and snap some pictures. Throughout the entire hike, we barely saw anyone, besides just a couple of small groups.

Walking by Lake Immeljärvi

After finishing the snowshoeing hike, I decided to take another stroll around Levi. Everything here is just so beautiful! There’s always something new to discover. So once again, I let my intuition guide me and followed the road toward Lake Immeljärvi. Before long, I spotted a sign indicating I was leaving Levi.

Saliendo de Levi

A few meters ahead, on the right side of the road, I found a small path leading down to the lake—and, of course, I had to check it out! Walking on the lake wasn’t exactly easy since the snow was relatively deep, and I sank slightly with every step. But further along, I noticed three tracks: one for walking, another for skiing, and a third for snowmobiles. Interestingly, during yesterday’s snowmobile tour, we didn’t pass through this lake. For skiing, instead of going down a mountain, people just glided leisurely across the lake, following a marked route.

Lago Immeljärvi

The view of the forest from the lake was unlike anything I had seen before. You could see different shades of colors blending: the first layer had a yellowish-green tint from the sunlight, the second was deep green, and the last one was pure white. It looked like a painting!

Even though it was a sunny day, as the afternoon went on, the cold became unbearable. I had all my layers on, but it was impossible to take my hands out of my gloves to take pictures. They would freeze and go numb within seconds. The worst part? My gloves got damp on the inside from sweat, making everything even colder.

One Last Stroll Through Levi

To wrap up the day, I took a final walk through Levi’s town center to pick up a few souvenirs and stock up on supplies for tomorrow’s return trip to Savitaipale. Another long bus ride awaits me. I’ll tell you all about it soon!

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