Snowmobile Tour Through Levi’s Snowy Forests

Levi, March 3rd, 2018.

Snowmobiling is one of the must-try activities in Lapland, so I couldn’t leave Finland without giving it a go. I’ll admit, at first, I wasn’t sure what to expect. It’s not like riding a regular motorcycle; it’s a bit of an odd machine. But let me tell you, the experience was incredibly fun! If only time hadn’t flown by so quickly! In this post, I’ll take you through my snowmobile adventure and my visit to Levi’s ski resort.

What is a Snowmobile?

A snowmobile is, as the name suggests, like riding a motorcycle, but on snow. I’ve never actually driven a conventional motorbike, but I have a feeling it must be a completely different experience. Either way, I have to admit—driving isn’t really my thing. I usually prefer to be the passenger rather than the one in control of the steering wheel.

For those who have never seen one, a snowmobile looks something like this:Motonieve o snowmobile

You can either rent a snowmobile and ride on your own or join an organized tour. If you decide to go solo, it’s important to be familiar with the route and make sure the terrain is suitable for driving. Winter is the best season to enjoy the snowy landscapes, but spring offers milder weather and a chance to fully appreciate nature’s beauty.

The Snowmobile Tour

The company: Perhesafarit Oy

For our snowmobile adventure, we rented our vehicle from Perhesafarit. Levi, like many other tourist hotspots in Lapland, has a wide range of companies offering this type of service. You can check out a full list of options in Levi here.

The rental price of the snowmobile depends on the type of vehicle you choose. Some have more powerful engines (900cc), while others are a bit less powerful (600cc). Unfortunately, the high-powered ones were all booked (we wanted the fast ones, of course!), so we had to settle for a 600cc model. The final cost was €100 plus the fuel we used—6 liters (around €5) in total, as of 2018. Also, to drive a snowmobile, you need a valid driver’s license in Finland.

Getting Ready for the Safari

The snowmobile rental also includes all the necessary gear. It’s super important to wear the right clothing, otherwise, it can be dangerous, and you might literally freeze. Here’s what we suited up with:

  • Thick wool-lined boots (same ones I used for the husky safari a few days ago)

  • A full-body snow suit
  • Helmet
  • Balaclava (covered everything except the eyes and mouth)
  • Woolen gloves
  • Waterproof outer gloves

We looked very funny, like the Terminator on a winter mission! The snow suit was warm, but just in case, I layered up with thermal clothing underneath. I only sacrificed one of my two jackets. My friend, on the other hand, just wore a short-sleeved t-shirt underneath. It must be the Finnish genes…

Equipamiento para motonieve (snowmobile)
Not my best photo at all, but this is what I looked like

Besides the clothing, we also got a map of the route we needed to follow. Everything was well-marked, so there was no way to get lost. They even gave us a device to call for help in case we got lost or had any issues. Thankfully, we didn’t need it.

First Contact with the Snowmobile

With everything set, we went off to find our snowmobile. The staff gave us a quick rundown on how it worked and how to reach the starting point. We hopped on (my friend driving, me in the back), and off we went!

The feeling was strange at first since riding on snow meant constant bumps and a slightly unstable sensation. And, of course, when you’re riding with someone who loves speed, things can get even wilder! I held onto the snowmobile handles for dear life—I’m not exactly the bravest when it comes to high-speed adventures…

The ride lasted about an hour and a half. Luckily, the weather was on our side—sunny with a few clouds and not too cold (around -8ºC). It also happened to be what’s known as “changeover day,” when tourist groups leave and new ones arrive, so the area was pretty empty. In fact, we only came across a couple of other snowmobiles during the whole ride.

Levi’s Winter Landscapes

Just like in the husky safari in Rovaniemi, the scenery was absolutely breathtaking. Seriously, just stunning. So much so that I barely took any photos because I wanted to fully immerse myself in the moment without worrying about my phone.

During our ride, we saw:

  • Vast snow-covered lakes. They didn’t even look like lakes since they were completely frozen and blanketed in snow. But no worries, snowmobiles can safely glide over them.
  • Forests. The landscapes reminded me a lot of the Ounasvaara outdoor resort, where the ground, trees, and sky all seemed to blend into the same snowy white.
  • Bridges. We had to cross a couple of tiny bridges along the way, and the sound of the snowmobile on them was totally different from riding on the snow. Kind of funny!
  • Views of Levi’s ‘mountain’. From where we were, we could see the mountain and the snowy forest surrounding it. With the overcast sky, it looked a bit like Mordor.
  • A reindeer farm. Some were peacefully munching together, while others were waiting to pull sleds.
  • Hills and dips. Even though most of the terrain was flat, there were still sections with small hills. On the long, straight paths, we sped up to 90km/h, which definitely got the adrenaline pumping!
Parte del trayecto en motonieve (snowmobile) entre los árboles
Part of the snowmobile ride through the trees

Whenever we came across a questionable turn, we double-checked the map to make sure we were on the right track. And when in doubt, we just trusted our instincts.

And Then, the Cold Hit

After about an hour, it started snowing lightly, and that’s when I began to feel the cold. Sitting at the back of the snowmobile, moving at high speeds, my face started to freeze, including my eyelashes! At one point, I completely lost feeling in my nose and mouth, as they were completely numb from the cold. But even so, I preferred keeping my visor up to fully take in the scenery—it felt like wearing sunglasses otherwise.

We finished the ride earlier than planned, so we had about 30 more minutes to roam around the area on our snowmobile. On this last stretch, we ventured slightly off the main path, hitting a few bumps along the way and even catching some small air at times.

By the end of it, we were exhausted but incredibly happy and satisfied with the experience.

Would I do it again? Absolutely! If you ever find yourself in Levi, a snowmobile tour is a must!

Climbing to Levi’s Ski Resort

After the snowmobile ride, I decided to do some sightseeing on my own, and my chosen destination was Levi’s ski resort. To reach the very top, there’s a path running alongside the ski slope with a whopping 766 steps. It only takes a few minutes to get up there.

Subida a la estación de esquí

Throughout the climb, there are advertising signs promoting the bar at the top, encouraging you to keep going and treat yourself once you arrive.

Carteles motivadores

Carteles motivadores

At the summit, besides the cable car and the bar, there’s the Panorama Hotel—but not much else. Still, the views from up there are stunning, offering a whole new perspective of Levi.

Estación de esquí de Levi

As dusk approached, it was time to head back down. Going up was easy, but descending was trickier since the soft snow made it a bit slippery. I had to hold onto the railing for support.

Dinner at Pizza Factory

Once again, I completely forgot to eat at a normal hour, so by 5:00 PM, I had to hunt for a restaurant. This time, I went to Pizza Factory, located on the ground floor across from Panimo. I ordered an “Opera Special” pizza with mozzarella, salami, bacon, and tuna, all for a reasonable €9.90.

They had the TV on, playing Finland’s Got Talent. What a nostalgic moment!

Finally: Happy Joe Cider!

This time, I managed my schedule better and made it in time to buy some Happy Joe cider. Despite the freezing weather, it’s always a good time for a refreshing drink! Tomorrow, if I have time, I’d love to try a long drink, another popular Finnish beverage. But for now, it’s off to bed. Tomorrow, we’re going snowshoeing, and we need to be fully energized. Good night!

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